Friday, April 23, 2010


Lack of sleep not only disturb your activity on the next day but also make you put on weight and looks older than actual age. "We have found that those who slept less than seven hours a night eventually become obese," says consultant endocrinologist from Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Dr Shahrad Taheri, as quoted site.

People who sleep less than four hours a night were 73 percent greater risk of experiencing excessive weight. Moderate sleep disorders can trigger compulsive eating up to 900 extra calories a day. This excessive intake can trigger weight gain as much as two pounds a week. These findings indicate that although participants do not have a weight problem before, their weight will increase along with the reduction of hours of sleep.

"Lack of sleep stimulates the appetite-regulating hormones," explained Taheri. "Lack of sleep, he continued, trigger additional levels of ghrelin (hormones that increase appetite) and lower levels of leptin (the hormone that gives a signal that the body is already full).

In addition to disturbing events, lack of sleep is also bad for health. Recurrent sleep deprivation effects, may not be perceived, especially by their 20s who are still full of energy. However, lack of sleep this will affect the appearance with age.

Actor Brad Pitt recently admitted that having six kids make it less sleep. And his performance proved that he was not joking. On the other hand, J-Lo pretty singer claimed he slept eight hours per night. This is the secret to appear 10 years younger than he really is.

Research recently found that sleep disorders have the same hormones influence the aging process. In addition, sleep disturbances and even increase the likelihood of diseases related to aging.

"We suspect that lack of sleep not only trigger the disease, but also exacerbate disorders like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory decline," explained researcher Eve Van Cauter.

Even more worrying again, women who slept less than five hours last night 45 percent greater risk of experiencing heart disease. In addition, sleep disturbances also interfere with blood pressure (which usually decreases at night) and make you more vulnerable to colds and flu.

A study from the European Sleep Research Society, found that people who experience sleep disorders tend to have a less attractive appearance to the skin that loosens. During sleep, bright researchers, will be the formation of new skin cells. Therefore, sufficient sleep will make you feel and look ten years younger than actual age.

"Sleep allows the brain to improve," said the director of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University, Jim Horne.

During sleep, the light of Horne, the cortex (the brain and handles most functions such as thinking and activity) will be in recovery mode. And without a break, you will be irritable, moody, forgetful and unfocused when I woke up. (

Thursday, April 22, 2010

DIABETES: DEATH Contribution

Disturbance in the retina caused by complications of diabetes mellitus can lead to permanent blindness. Complications of diabetes is caused by the incidence of abnormalities in the retina of the eye. the longer a person has diabetes, the greater the chance of a natural or retina of diabetic retinal abnormalities.

Diabetes less than 5 years at risk of retinopathy of about 13 percent. patients with 50-90 per cent 10-15 years at risk. If not treated will cause permanent damage and impaired vision.

Diabetes is a chronic disease caused rathe high blood sugar levels. diabetes occurs in people with metabolic changes that can lead to complications such as damage delicate blood vessels (especially in the macula / yellow spots on the eyes) which is in the eye, causing diabetic retinopathy.

Periodic screening and early detection of retinopathy is essential in order to prevent permanent blindness. In the early stages of diabetic retinopathy, is not felt any symptoms or interference with the vision.

Basic health research in 2007, noted that diabetes mellitus causes of death are ranked second in the group of 45-54 years in urban areas. whereas in rural areas, diabetes mellitus ranked sixth in the proportion of total mortality by 5.8 percent.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Exterminate CANCER WITH "PARE"

For the Javanese, and many tribes in Indonesia has come to know Pare as a food companion in the form of processed rice stir-fry and so forth. Pare is a creeping plant and usually grows in the area of paddy fields. In Latin, pare called Momordica charantia.

Besides functioning as a supplementary food rice, Pare is a herbal remedy. In other words, Pare is also a very effective traditional medicine to cope with such diseases, in addition to inhibiting cancer cell as a deterrent and destroying cancer cells in the human body. In addition, bitter melon has substance that can neutralize a high content of glucose in the blood so that the content of glucose in the blood become stable and normal. For people who have a weak body resistance, bitter melon can be an alternative of traditional medicine in improving body immunity from attacks by viruses and toxins and many other properties.

Although the forms of processing pare different in each dish will not affect the properties of bitter melon for health excellence. For that I recommend to readers to make the bitter melon as a health food which is not inferior to other drugs and drink supplement.

Menopause For Men

Menopause had been only owned by women. Decrease in sexual desire and ability if not applicable to men. Yet according to experts, men also experience menopause.The term menopause is indeed owned by women. In men, the term turned into Andropause. Characteristics were similar to women who are experiencing menopause.

Starting at age 30 years men will lose 10 percent of the amount of the hormone testosterone every ten years. As quoted from Fox News, Wednesday (16/9/2009) at the age of 70 years, male testosterione only half the time he was still the 20s.reduced number of hormones affect the physical condition of men, including their sexual abilities. Men will experience some negative emotions such as depression, despair and bad mood because of her sexual abilities seprima not first.

Physically, the hair began to males as well as the condition of fragile bones that begin will increasingly make the men feel weak. it also affects the psychological side.So for men, it is better to prepare for Andropause, as has been done girls. (

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