Thursday, May 6, 2010



Dengue fever always comes during years in Indonesia and the amount of it is quite large and always increasing from time to time especially during the transition. Though the infection has actually been able to control because there is reservoir host of this infection are : Mr.Mosquito.

In essence, by controlling the breeding of mosquitoes, we actually have to control the spread of the infection and limit the space for infection so that we can reduce the risk of dengue fever patients. Based on empirical data taken from DKI-Jakarta Health Office, during the period January-February 2009 recorded 4290 patients of DHF (dengue fever) and one of them died.

Best current prevention efforts is how to empower and involve communities in prevention efforts. unfortunately, the movement to eradicate mosquitoes have not yet been obtained maximum results.


One of the causes of cancer in humans is HCA compounds or heterocyclic amines compounds that have potential as leaders in the emergence of cancer. HCA occurred due to reaction of animal protein during the process of browning / browning. For example, in beef.

The higher levels of HCA formed increasingly unhealthy meat that we consume.

Roasting over the stove with high temperature or with the process of frying, HCA compounds which are in the beef will be formed and this compound is HCA are at high risk because of greater levels of HCA formed. Meanwhile, cook with such processes, boiling and mengkukus did not result in the formation of HCA compounds. Preserving meat by using Nitrite compounds need to be aware when we often use it, because HCA compounds will result in accumulation in the body as well as compounds which are carcinogenic nitrosamines as well as senaywa HCA.

HCA compounds are carcinogenic to the colon tissue, breast, pancreas, liver and bladder.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can be used to neutralize these carcinogenic compounds. Vitamin C is also capable of reducing free radicals that can prevent the occurrence of DNA damage.

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