Saturday, February 19, 2011

Coronary Heart Disease With PCI

According dr.Shodiqur Rifqi, Sp.JP, FIHA, a specialist in heart and blood vessels, Telogorejo Hospitals, PCI is a non-surgical intervension action to reopen coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked by using a balloon or a stent through a catheter inserted into lumen of the artery through a small incision in the skin of about 2 millimeters in the arm or groin.

Installation of a catheter through the groin is relatively easy. But lately, more who put a catheter through the base of the arm. this is because, after the action, patients no longer have to shut up and stretch the feet for seven hours but the patient still must limit the movement of the hands. Thus, patients will feel more comfortable.

In principle, there is no limit the number of stents placed in arteries. But if it turns out the results of the examination or diagnosis showed that the blockage occurred in more than three locations or in places that are difficult and not possible to do stenting, patients will be advised to perform surgery is surgery By Pass Coroner.

Actually, a lot of action PCI performed for patients with complaints of pain in the chest due to interference with the heart or angina pectoris.

There are three types of stents:

1. Bare metal stent or a plain stent / BMS,
2. Drug eluting stent / DES,
3. And, bioactive sStent / BAS

The use of stents should be tailored to the needs, usually the use of drug-coated stents or DES is more advisable in those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, patients with small blood vessels, narrowing or blockage of the total length.

The simplest is BMS, but a greater risk of re-narrowing of achieving 10-30 percent. DES kecik only 3-8 percent are at risk and medium risk BAS.

In contrast to surgery, during PCI, patients in the conscious state, because only anesthetized (anesthesia) so long as the actions of local patients can communicate with the nurse or doctor. The entry of the catheter within the body without pain. Patient's mental preparation is the most important thing here for the PCI action can proceed smoothly.


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