Monday, March 7, 2011

Black Cumin As A Magical Medicine

Black cumin was found in the tomb of Tutankhamen (Pharaoh) and evident in the archaeological study has an important role in ancient Egyptian life. The pharaoh's personal physician was familiar with black cumin oil and ointments as a drug for treating digestive disorders in addition to beauty treatments.

The first written references about the Black Cumin found in the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament (Old Testament, Christian and Jewish holy book) explains, "For the black cumin is not threshed with a threshing Sledge, nor is a cart wheel rolled over the cumin, but the black cumin is beaten out with a stick, and the cumin with a rod "(Isalah 28:25:27, NKJV). Eastons Bible Dictionary explains that the Hebrew language (the language of the Jews) to the word Black Cumin "Ketsan" refers to "Nigella Sativa" which is of the order Ranunculaceae which grows wild in Mediterranean countries and developed in Egypt and Syria.
Dioscoredes, in the first century Greek scientist, said that the Black Cumin is used to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothache, and intestinal worms. It is also used while menstruating women and can increase milk production in mothers who are breastfeeding. While Hippocrates suggested the use of Black Cumin to generate vitality and energy, comfort and fatigue the body and psyche (Dr. Hermann Ehmann in Schwarzkummel book, LebensBaum Vertag Germany, 2000).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Coronary Heart Disease With PCI

According dr.Shodiqur Rifqi, Sp.JP, FIHA, a specialist in heart and blood vessels, Telogorejo Hospitals, PCI is a non-surgical intervension action to reopen coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked by using a balloon or a stent through a catheter inserted into lumen of the artery through a small incision in the skin of about 2 millimeters in the arm or groin.

Installation of a catheter through the groin is relatively easy. But lately, more who put a catheter through the base of the arm. this is because, after the action, patients no longer have to shut up and stretch the feet for seven hours but the patient still must limit the movement of the hands. Thus, patients will feel more comfortable.

In principle, there is no limit the number of stents placed in arteries. But if it turns out the results of the examination or diagnosis showed that the blockage occurred in more than three locations or in places that are difficult and not possible to do stenting, patients will be advised to perform surgery is surgery By Pass Coroner.

Actually, a lot of action PCI performed for patients with complaints of pain in the chest due to interference with the heart or angina pectoris.

There are three types of stents:

1. Bare metal stent or a plain stent / BMS,
2. Drug eluting stent / DES,
3. And, bioactive sStent / BAS

The use of stents should be tailored to the needs, usually the use of drug-coated stents or DES is more advisable in those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, patients with small blood vessels, narrowing or blockage of the total length.

The simplest is BMS, but a greater risk of re-narrowing of achieving 10-30 percent. DES kecik only 3-8 percent are at risk and medium risk BAS.

In contrast to surgery, during PCI, patients in the conscious state, because only anesthetized (anesthesia) so long as the actions of local patients can communicate with the nurse or doctor. The entry of the catheter within the body without pain. Patient's mental preparation is the most important thing here for the PCI action can proceed smoothly.

Abdominal Boating

Abdominal bloating is one of the complaints and symptoms that often causes patients to go to the doctor or hospital. Flatulence is marked by a feeling of fullness in the abdomen due to accumulation of excessive gas disaluran digestion (stomach, small intestine and large intestine). Thus quoted by the Daily newspaper "Voice of Freedom", dated February 17, 2011 yesterday.

Further, According to Muchlis AU Sofro, flatulence is caused by barriers bowel movement or increased production of intestinal gas. Why? usually due to reduced enzyme digestion. The function of this enzyme is to help digest food for nutrition for can be broken down into simpler molecules that are easily absorbed by the body and our gut.

Nutrients that are not digested / absorbed by our intestines into the colon next, experiencing fermentation by microorganisms and cause excessive gas.

Flatulence is closely associated with diarrhea and vice versa. Diarrhea is still the biggest problem in the health sector in Indonesia. Recorded from the 1000 population, 200 people affected by diarrhea. There are several factors that used effects such as diarrhea, malnutrition, contaminated food, economic and social environment that does not have the minimum health standards.

Diarrhea is not always caused by factors of digestive tract infection, also can be caused by infection rather than not like a cold, tired, stale food. Diarrhea that lasts longer, and do not get adequate medical treatment can cause death from dehydration, electrolyte and metabolic disturbances are severe.

Bloated Stomach Handling
Give a warm food or drink that will make the stomach to expand. Although the initial pain but the feeling of heat generated will expel the trapped gas in the intestines.

According to WHO records (World Health Organization), Diarrhea is a bowel movement for more than 3 times a day. Called in case of acute diarrhea for less than 2 weeks and chronic diarrhea if it lasts more than that or more than 4 weeks.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Javanese Temu Hitam - Herbal Plants

Temu Hitam is a plant that can live in the wild in the forests of teak, especially in Java from a height of 400-1750 meters above sea level and this plant likes fertile soil. Wide lancet-shaped leaves with thin strands of leaf, green leaf color to dark purplish brown. Flowers out of the armpit side of leaves or stems. Flowers covered by 2-3 midrib, 20-50 cm long flower stems and flower crown until creamy pink.

This plant produces large rhizomes, tubers and is evenly branched stems.

Temu Hitam had a different name in each region of origin: Intersection ireng Java (Java), koneng hideung (Sunda), temo groaned (Madura), Sumatra: Intersection of items, Intersection groaned (Malay), Temu Hitam (Minangkabau); Sulawesi: Intersection lotong (Bugis), Intersection leteng (Makassar); Nusa Tenggara: Intersection ireng (Bali).

Efficacy of Temu Hitam include:

* Fertile womb
* Worms
* Hemorrhoid
* Menstrual pain
* Clean up blood after delivery
* Cough
* Increased stamina
* Increase appetite
* Urine, blood found overallocted
* Neutralize toxins in the body
* Skin diseases such as scab, scabies, ulcers
* Sprue
* Etc.

Temu Hitam is to prevent and solve problems:

Enrich content:

25 gram of Temu Hitam, 25 grams Intersection dribbles, 20 grams kencur boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk.


25 gram of Temu Hitam, 20 grams kencur, 20 grams of turmeric, tamarind 2 segment boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk while warm.

Cleaning the blood after delivery:

25 Gram Intersection boiled with enough water until the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk while warm. Cough > 25 gram of Temu Hitam, 5 g cumin, 25 grams kencur, 5 grams pulosari, 5 grams of fennel, and drink the water.

Neutralize toxins in the body:

25 gram of Temu Hitam, 30 grams takokak boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk while warm.


25 gram of Temu Hitam, 15 grams of bangle, 5 pieces of betel leaf, coriander seeds 5 grains, 4 grams of nut seeds and boil with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk.
Do it regularly as directed 2 times a day. Moderate to severe disease still advisable to consult a doctor.

By Prof HM Hembing Wijayakusuma, taken from

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Miracle Pennywort

More recently, taken from the daily Suara Merdeka newsletter dated January 18, 2011,  Pennywort, wild plants that we often encounter in the streets, fields and embankment, turned out to have substance and a lot of vitamins and essential to our health.

According to one of the researchers, Titik Yuniar, who is currently studying at UNY (Yogyakarta State University) Faculty of Science, argues that Centella asiatica contains potential compounds that can be used as drugs, which are:

- Asiaticoside
- Thankuniside
- Isothankuniside
- Madecassoside
- Brahmoside
- Brahmic acid
- Brahminoside
- Madasiatic acid
- Hydrocotylin
- Velarine
- Tannins, and
- Karotenoids

In addition, Pennywort which is flowering each year, containing mineral salts, sodium, magnesium, calcium and iron.

Triterpenoids or asiaticoside catcher known as free radicals that can kill brain cells and revitalize the blood vessels, increase stamina, and vitality as well as antioxidants which help in the development of brain cells. In addition, mineral salts are also useful as forming red blood cells and is essential in mylenisasi brain and increased power of concentration.

Centella asiatica has a somewhat sweet flavor, cool and thereby to facilitate the circulation of blood, bullets diabetes (diuretics), lowering fever (antiperiteca), stop the bleeding (haemostatica), improve memory in brain nerve, antibacterial, tonic, antipasma, antiinflammatory, hypotensive, insecticide, allergy and as a stimulant.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Dead Smoker and Smoking Impact

Cigarettes contain more than 4000 elements, and at least 200 of them declared a health hazard. The main toxins in cigarettes are tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. Tar is the substance of the hydrocarbons that are sticky and stick to the lungs. Nicotine is the addictive substance that affects the nerves and blood circulation. This substance is a carcinogen, and can lead to lung cancer is deadly.
Carbon monoxide is a substance that binds hemoglobin in the blood, making blood is not able to bind oxygen.

Taken From
Here are some of the effects of smoking (except cancer) against the body that are not known to many people, from head to toe.

1. Shed hair
Smoking lowered immune system so that smokers are more susceptible to diseases such as lupus erimatosis that can cause hair loss, ulcerations / sores or canker sores in the mouth, and rash (rash) on face, head and hands.

2. Cataract
Smokers have 40 percent higher risk of cataracts - buramnya eye lens that block the entry of light, and even cause blindness. Shot of poisonous chemicals from cigarette smoke irritate the eyes or impede the flow of oxygen in the blood to the brain.

3. Wrinkled
Cigarette smoke burns damage the proteins and vitamin A that maintains skin elasticity, and decreased smooth flow of blood .Skin's smokers, especially around the lips and eyes, become dry, rough and striped.

4. Damaging Hearing
Cigarettes cause plaque (plaque) on the blood vessels that disrupt the flow of oxygen in the blood leading to the inner ear. Smokers may lose their hearing earlier than the smokers as well as more susceptible to middle ear infection that followed complications such as meningitis and paralysis of facial muscles.

5. Damage teeth (like me)
Toxic chemicals of cigarette smoke cause plaques that actively contribute to damage the teeth. Smokers are one and a half times more tooth loss.

6. Emphysema
The outbreak of respiratory bag that reduces lung capacity of inhaling oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. In extreme conditions, people with emphysema need trakheostomi operation - installation of an open pipe in the trachea to assist the entry of air into the lungs - to be able to breathe.

7. Osteoporosis
Carbon monoxide - the main chemicals that come out of motor vehicle exhaust and cigarette smoke - have a greater holding capacity of red blood cells than oxygen, reducing the blood oxygen carrying capacity of smokers of 15 percent. As a result, the bone density of smokers had decreased so easy to crack and require 80 percent longer to heal. Smokers are also more likely to suffer from spinal pain.

8. Heart disease
One in three deaths in the world associated with the risk of heart disease and blood vessel - the biggest risk factor is cigarette smoke. Every year, more than 1 million people in developing countries and 600 thousand people in developed countries died because of heart disease. Various studies have shown smoking speed up heart rate and raise blood pressure (thereby increasing the risk of hypertension) and eventually clog the blood vessels that cause heart attacks and strokes.

9. Peptic Ulcer
Smoking lowered the body's defense against bacteria that causes peptic ulcers - as well as impair the ability to neutralize stomach acid after eating. Peptic smokers were more difficult to treat and more easily relapse again.

10. Cervical cancer and miscarriage
Smoking increases the risk of liver cancer karim (cervix) and cervical cancer, and damage to a woman's fertility and cause pregnancy complications. Smoking during pregnancy heightens the risk of low weight babies, which causes little susceptible variety of health problems. Miscarriage was found two to three times more often in smokers

11. Sperm Abnormalities
Various toxic smoke can damage DNA and change the shape of sperm, which then lead to miscarriage or birth defects. Smoking also reduces male fertility and reduce blood flow to the penis - causing impotence

12. Burger Disease
Also called thromboangitis obliterans - an inflammation of arteries and veins, and nerves in the feet and an overall decrease blood lairan. If not treated, the disease can lead to gangrene burgers (decay) of tissue, which can only be stopped spreading with the amputation.

Judging from the dangers of passive smoking are especially good for active smoking, attempts to do it slowly to stop smoking is needed. No one can forces us to quit smoking. The decision to stop smoking there is in ourselves. Keep spirit and intent, we will surely succeed.

Choose a way to stop
There are several ways to quit:
a. Stop at all, we continue to smoke as usual until one day before the date stopped. On that date ceased altogether.
b. Stop bit by bit. Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day until no more
smoked on date to stop smoking. Never more than one week for this approach, because
likelihood of success becomes smaller when a long time.

Make a date to quit smoking to be a historic day
a. On that day throw all the ashtrays, lighters and cigarette remnants.
b. Fill up our fridge with water, beans are not salty, fruits and vegetables
c. Have fun with new clothes or something that had long you want.

Way through the day's first smoke-free

a. Mentally prepare us to deal with the symptoms of addiction that will be lost for 1-2 weeks. Symptoms can include: a strong desire to smoke again, trembling, dizziness, anxiety, poor concentration, and feeling heavy on the hands and feet. These symptoms arise because the body's adaptation of the status of free nicotine, which increases blood circulation and increase oxygen reaching the body cells.

b. Do not worry if you cough more. Fine hairs in the respiratory tract usually paralyzed as long as we smoke now working again. Fine hairs are working hard to clean the smoke, germs, dead cells and impurities. After the airway clean again, cough will disappear forever.

c. Avoid wisely our smoker friends, they usually will persuade us to smoking again.

How to avoid smoking for good?

a. Change habits that usually accompanies moments of our smoking, for example, if smoking while drinking coffee, replace it by drinking fruit juice. When we usually smoke while wake up, so this time doing other activities, such as open windows and do breathing deeply. If you smoke after a meal, then take a walk after eating to avoid the desire to smoke.
b. Get used to exercise or start a program / hobby with family / friends who are not smokers, make this event a regular basis.
c. Avoid places that allow people to smoke, such as bars and discotheques, discotheque
d. Do not give up even if only to smoking one cigarette.

What if I fail?

this often happens. Some smokers have failed again and become heavy smokers. But these efforts will not be in vain. This is only a setback for moreover. Remember! if we had decided to quit smoking, we have won half of the fight against tobacco. So if at first we did not succeed then try again, hopefully we succeed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reducing High Body Temperature From Fever

Fever does not depend on certain time. It can attack all people from baby to old man. However, Fever which attacks in the dry season is worse than in the rainy season. This takes place in Indonesia.

In rainy season, someone who are suffered from fever is often caused by the climate and they often go ouside and walk under the heavy rain. Here, they can be cold and get flu. Flu is caused by a virus. And when this attack they usually stay inside their home and do nothing but watching television and read books. In rainy season, fever is mostly caused by flu.

In dry season, fever attack someone, mostly, is caused by unknown thing. Sometimes, from flu and also from others. In dry season, when someone get fever the condition is far different of in rainy season. In rainy season, they often drink too much warm water to netralize the flu and this could be better. However, in dry season (worse if there is no access for fresh and good water), fever can be worse and body temperature increases highly. Mostly people who is attacked by fever in this season get worse and worse and it is hard to find the solution.

When my child got fever, I try to give her "worm". Perhaps, you do not believe in this fact. But it is true. This worm is land worm and from fertilized soil. This worm is bigger than usual and there is a ring in the head of the worm. It is impossible to feed my child with the worm when it is still alive. Here, what I do with the worm before give it to my beloved daughter;
  • Wash the warm to clean.
  • Cleave the body and clean inside
  • Fry it
  • After it is cooked well, Chop it into pieces
  • Blend it into a cup of coffee
  • Give it to my child
In a half an hour, finally, by the name of the lord, fever gets down and my beloved child gets better. I also give her fresh water and some fruit like apple, melon or watermelon and "Bengkoang". Bengkoang is also good for fever but this could work when the temperature is not too high or bad temperature.

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